(925) 456-4468


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Local Government managers and the administrative team have high expectations, as do residents of their communities. With GOGov, administrators can improve the interactions between government and residents, improving the experience for all.

Common Challenges for Administrators

Challenge: Organizational efficiency
Outdated systems and paper-based methods hinder productivity, leading to time-consuming tasks and potential errors.
GOGov offers cutting-edge solutions to transform organizational efficiency. Our suite of applications, including Citizen Requests Management and Code Enforcement, provides streamlined processes, automates workflows, and centralizes information.

This allows administrators to manage citizen interactions, code enforcement cases, and more, efficiently and with improved accuracy.
  • Street Repairs
  • Code Enforcement Violations
  • Public Record Requests
  • Helpdesk
    GOGOV Can help
    Code Enforcement
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    Citizen Requests/311
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    Challenge: Citizen Satisfaction & Engagement
    Engaging citizens effectively, addressing their concerns promptly, and providing transparent communication are key components for fostering a positive relationship between municipalities and residents.
    GOGov prioritizes citizen satisfaction and engagement through solutions like Branded Mobile Apps and Citizen Notifications.

    Our mobile apps offer a direct channel for residents to access services, submit requests, and stay informed about local news.

    Citizen Notifications enable timely and targeted communication, fostering transparency and building trust between local governments and their communities.
    • Event Notifications
    • Service Requests
    • Weather Alerts
    • Meeting Updates
      GOGOV Can help
      Citizen Notifications
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      Citizen Requests/311
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      Challenge: Revenue Generation
      Identifying potential revenue streams, optimizing fee collection processes, and ensuring compliance are vital for financial sustainability.
      GOGov's Online Permitting and Licensing solutions contribute to revenue generation by simplifying and automating the permitting process.

      From business licenses to construction permits, our tools streamline workflows, enhance accuracy, and facilitate easy fee collection. This empowers administrators to boost revenue while ensuring a seamless experience for businesses and residents alike.
      • Automate Renewals
      • Self Service Online Portal
      • Online Payment
      • Fee Calculator
      GOGOV Can help
      Online Permitting and Licensing
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      Code Enforcement
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      Challenge: Difficulty in Generating Reports and SLAs
      Tracking performance and ensuring accountability can be challenging without the right tools.
      Administrative departments within local governments need detailed reports that highlight critical data, such as violation counts, breakdowns per officer, the number of open cases versus closed, and days to close for cases. This information is essential for informed decision-making, resource allocation, and demonstrating transparency to the public.

      GOGov simplifies the process of generating detailed reports and SLAs. Our platform provides robust reporting capabilities that offer real-time insights into all essential metrics. With GOGov, elected officials can easily access and analyze data on backlog, request numbers, departmental performance, and case management. This empowers officials to make data-driven decisions, enhance operational efficiency, and maintain high standards of transparency and accountability in serving their communities.
      GOGOV Can help
      Citizen Requests/311
      Learn more
      Code Enforcement
      Learn more
      Join Hundreds of Communities 
      Around the Country
      Who are building better communities by connecting citizens and government
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      What's next?
      We will call you ASAP! We just want to quickly discuss what are the most important things to explore during your personalized demo.

      We will pick a convenient date/time around your schedule and then send you a screen share link & conference line that you can forward to as many people as you want.

      After the demo we can provide a Quote.You can always call us! Before, during & after the demo we will provide expert advice and coaching.