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GOGov to Exhibit at Texas Municipal League Annual Conference 2024

This year, GOGov is excited to announce that we will be exhibiting at the Texas Municipal League (TML) Annual Conference, taking place from October 9-11, 2024, in Houston, TX. The TML Annual Conference brings together municipal leaders from across the state, offering an unparalleled opportunity for city officials to connect, collaborate, and learn about the latest innovations in local government. At GOGov, we’re thrilled to showcase our cutting-edge solutions that help local governments improve citizen engagement, streamline operations, and modernize communication.

What is the TML Annual Conference?
The TML Annual Conference is one of the largest gatherings of municipal professionals in Texas. With over 3,000 elected officials, city managers, and department heads in attendance, the conference provides a platform for local government leaders to share best practices, network, and explore new tools that can enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of their cities.

Why Visit the GOGov Booth 1056?

At GOGov, we specialize in providing local governments with customizable, easy-to-use software solutions designed to improve communication and engagement with residents. Our platform includes:

Here’s why stopping by the GOGov booth at TML 2024 is a must for municipal leaders:

1. Experience Our Technology Firsthand

Attendees will have the chance to see live demos of our products and understand how GOGov can transform your city’s approach to citizen engagement. Whether you’re looking to improve how your city communicates with residents, manage service requests more efficiently, or enhance your code enforcement processes, GOGov has the solution.

2. Learn How to Boost Resident Engagement

Local governments are constantly seeking new ways to keep residents informed and engaged. Our mobile app solutions allow municipalities to create a city-branded app that residents can use to stay updated on local news, report issues, and receive emergency alerts. The app is customizable, easy to navigate, and designed to foster a stronger connection between residents and their local government.

3. See How GOGov Helps Streamline Operations

Efficiency is key for municipal staff, especially when managing numerous citizen requests, code enforcement cases, and other administrative tasks. GOGov’s software helps streamline operations by automating workflows, tracking requests in real time, and ensuring that nothing falls through the cracks. Learn how our solutions can save your team valuable time and resources while improving service delivery to residents.

Visit GOGov at Booth 1056

We invite all attendees of the TML Annual Conference to stop by the GOGov booth for a live demo and conversation with our team. Whether you’re interested in upgrading your citizen notification system, improving how you manage service requests, or learning more about code enforcement software, we’re here to help. Can't make the conference, schedule a demo with our team.

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