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Oakwood Village, IL Launches new online Permits and License solution
Customer launches

We are excited to announce that Oakwood has partnered with GOGov to launch a new online permit and licensing solution! This exciting new platform has been created to streamline the process of applying for permits and licenses, making it easier for Oakwood citizens to do business with them.

With just a few clicks, citizens can now apply for and receive permits and licenses online, without having to visit Oakwood offices. This means that a citizen can save time, reduce travel expenses, and get permits and licenses more quickly than ever before.

Here are just a few online permits and license that residents of Oakwood will be able to complete online:

• Building Permit

• Contractor Registration

• Non-Highway Vehicle Inspection

• And more...

GOGov has designed its online permit and licensing solution to be user-friendly and accessible to all. We understand that the traditional process of applying for permits and licenses can be complex and time-consuming, which is why we have created this platform to simplify the process.

Interested in learning more about GOGov Permits and Licensing? Schedule a demo with our team today.

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