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New ‘Go Granville’ app is one-stop shop for alerts, announcements and more

The village of Granville now has a mobile app that will provide a one-stop shop for those who want to receive weather and traffic alerts, as well as routine announcements and calendar listings.

The “GoGranville” app is a work in progress, and while it is available free in app stores now, Village Manager Herb Koehler said the goal is to have it completed and fully functional for a planned Sept. 1 official launch.

“It’s built for municipal governments,” he said. “It will include a notifications module for things like construction alerts or a water-main break. We’re also including a request module so that residents can report things like potholes or trees down.”

The app also will be the place to sign up for emergency alerts, such as those currently provided by text, email and phone messages for severe weather warnings.

Koehler said the goal of village officials is to consolidate their communication with residents and other interested parties in the GoGranville app “and eventually sunset our Facebook account” and the village’s contract with the company that currently provides emergency alerts to those who signed up for them.

“We hope to use this going forward rather than social media,” he said. “You’d get notification of alerts” by allowing notifications when downloading the app or by setting up notifications under the settings tab on your mobile device.

Read the full article at the Newark Advocate:

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