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Engage your Residents with Notifications & Alerts

Discover the power of seamless resident communication with GOGov Citizen Notifications—simplify engagement for citizens, staff, and leaders across your local government

Subscription Lists
Citizens can subscribe to the types of notifications that they want to receive.
Send Targeted Content
Setup subscription groups which allows citizens to subscribe to content that is important to them.
Branded Mobile App
One place to access all notifications and important information directly from your local municipality.
Easy Message Editor
Create detailed and stylish communications with our user-friendly editor by including pictures, formatting and links to videos, documents or other content

Notification and Alerts for Local Government

Here are a few examples of some of the most common notifications and alerts from municipalities around the country.

Event Reminders & Alerts

Summer means its time for events across your community. Notify your residents about all the important event details.

  • Event Announcements
  • Parking
  • Important Updates
  • Food and Beverage Information
  • Reminders
  • Cancellations
  • Schedules
  • And more

Road Conditions & Updates

Getting from point A to point B is always important. Keep your citizens in the know with important updates for construction, weather and more..

  • Road Construction
  • Traffic Alerts
  • Road Closures
  • Weather Alerts
  • Vehicle Accidents
  • Police and Fire Alerts
  • And more

Holiday Informtion

Holidays are a time for the community to get together and celebrate. Engage your citizens with important infomation.

  • Event Information
  • Parade Routes
  • Firework Schedule
  • Parking Regulations
  • Facility Closings
  • Garbage Delays
  • And more

Municipality Information

Inform your citizens about important meetings, project updates and more that will impact thier daily lives.

  • Meeting Reminders
  • Project Updates
  • Newsletters
  • Election Information
  • Facility Hours & Closings
  • Garbage Pickups
  • Job Openings
  • Special Announcements
  • And more

Local Goverment Powered by GOGov


Issues Resolved


Citizens Engaged


Violations Resolved


Letters Sent
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Government Made Simple

Citizen Notifications from GOGov makes it simple for your team to engage citizens across multiple channels.
Get Started Now
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What's next?
We will call you ASAP! We just want to quickly discuss what are the most important things to explore during your personalized demo.

We will pick a convenient date/time around your schedule and then send you a screen share link & conference line that you can forward to as many people as you want.

After the demo we can provide a Quote.You can always call us! Before, during & after the demo we will provide expert advice and coaching.